Friday 5 September 2008

Britney Spears' mother cashes in with tell-all book - Tabloid Hell

Britney Spears' mother has told all about her daughter in a cash book deal.

Details have leaked from Lynne Spears' upcoming autobiography, 'Through The Rain', that are set to draw a further wedge between the estranged pair.

They have non had contact since the singer schism from husband Kevin Federline in 2006.

The Sun reports that in the account book Spears Sr claims her daughter began drinking alcohol aged 13, was sexually active from 14 and began exploitation illegal drugs at 15.

Lynne Spears manifestly acknowledges some responsibility for her daughter's problems down the wrinkle.

The newspaper reports: "[Lynne Spears] tells how she regrets handing over command of Britney's career to managers and allowing her daughter to be promoted as a sex object in raunchy videos at such a young age."

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